Cavtat - Dubrovnik, CROATIA (October 14 – 19, 2001)

ICMAN Conference Secretariat
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Bijenicka cesta 54, P. O. Box 180
HR-10 002 Zagreb, Croatia
telephone: +38514680094
fax: +38514561010
Local Board of the 1st ICMAN will reserve accommodation for all the participants applying for Conference and accommodation fee.
Participants wishing to organize their own accommodation should apply for Conference fee.
In order to correctly reserve the accommodation at the hotel and organize local transportation airport-hotel-airport we kindly ask you to inform us about your arrival and departure date and time. 
Please note that Conference and accommodation fee covers hotel expenses for the days of the conference (October 14-19, 2001, i.e. 5 nights). 
Additional accommodation costs should be paid directly at the hotel reception desk, but should be reserved through ICMAN Local Board.
The price list is available from here. Early registration is August 15, 2001.
If you would like to share the room with the specific participant of the conference, please write his/her name in the "comment" box.
The ICMAN Local Board will send you the confirmation of hotel reservation by e-mail. 

Last name:*
First name:*
Arrival date:
Arrival time:
Departure date:
 Departure time:
The list of countries for which visa is required is available from here.
Please note that it takes several weeks to obtain it - apply on time.