Cavtat - Dubrovnik, CROATIA (October 14 – 19, 2001)

ICMAN Conference Secretariat
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Bijenicka cesta 54, P. O. Box 180
HR-10 002 Zagreb, Croatia
telephone: +38514680094
fax: +38514561010
Last name:*
First name:*
Please note:
Do not use special characters. For a Greek letter and symbols, please use the equivalent word in English, prefixed with an ampersand (&) and postfixed with a semicolon (;). Examples: a lowercase alpha (α), a capital delta (Δ), a microgram (µgram). For superscripts and subscripts please use (^) and (_). Examples: O^(6)-Methylguanine, H_(2)O
Abstract title:
Begin the title with a Capital letter, capitalize words thereafter if required.
List the authors first and middle initial, followed by last name and highest academic degree. Use asterisk (*) to indicate the presenting author. Use letters in parentheses to indicate affiiliation. Example: AB Smith*, MD (a), CD Smith, PhD (b), EF Smith, MD (a))
Prefix names of institutions with the letter(s) corresponding to the appropriate author(s). Include the city and country in parentheses after each institution. Example: (a) Division of Molecular Medicine, Rudjer Boskovic Institute (Zagreb, Croatia), (b) Division of Molecular Genetics, Rudjer Boskovic Institute (Zagreb, Croatia).
Abstract text:
Abstract should contain not more than 350 words and should contain aims, methods, results and conclusions of the study.
I would like to apply for Conference Session: